Sunday, March 15, 2009

"RIP Baltimore Opera" and other recent thoughts

The Baltimore Opera filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy this past week. So very, very sad. Yet another major arts organization taking a nose dive in this economy. They filed for Chapter 11 in December and official word was that they'd still provide education programming until they got back on their feet. But major funding required for their come-back never came forward, so they completely folded this week.

My organization has select hiring freezes right now, which always seems to be the first step before more drastic measures. I say "select" hiring freezes because some positions are eligible for rehiring, but not others. My team is down a staff member, but we're not allowed to rehire because that position is considered nonessential. Tell that to the remaining two of us! I think this is a very bad sign, especially for my team. We're clearly not valued as much as other education programming teams (screw adult programming! screw college and high school students! why should they need the arts??), and I think if staff cuts become a reality, we may be the first ones to be considered.

So it was especially timely when I received an email this past week from my previous boss, asking me if I knew anyone who might be interested in a new position that pays almost TWICE what I'm earning now. I quickly set up a meeting with him to learn more!

I may be overthinking things regarding the stability of my organization and my position, but can you blame me? Since at least last fall, ArtsJournal has been posting almost daily articles about various organizations folding across the country. It's stressing me out! And when I'm already stressed from being overworked, along with no assurance from senior management that my job will exist in six months, I'm looking for some security. Can someone please tell me what's going to happen to the economy and philanthropic giving in the next two years? Knowing this would be very helpful...